google-site-verification=cQpkTwSJdFW2HV86Pt3riZBu_VkkY0_Saul4PghAsaA Are many Genres underdeveloped in Nepali literature? Who is responsible ?

I have been a voracious reader for quite a some time now and after reading more and more books in the Nepalese language, I noticed something that made me think : Is Nepali literature really shallow ? Are a great number of possible genres are underdeveloped and neglected ? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be yes

When you say Nepali literature, some main works that comes in one's mind are the likes of Muna Madan, Shiris Ko Phool,Sumnima, Gauri or of late bestsellers like Palpasa Cafe, Seto Dharti, Loo, Summer Love and so on. If you look at most of the popular books you will find that they are mainly of five genres, namely
 Poetry, Literary Fiction, Biographies,Romance, Mythology and a little Humorous fictions. Yes, a vast number of books in Nepali don't fall upon these genres but the ones which catch a normal reader's eye fall in these more or less. 

And that made me think, are these all the Genres in which Nepali authors can write in ? Possibly no. We have produced many literary jewel and Nepalese literature is vast as well. Then why are every other genre except for the major five or six so underdeveloped. For example , genres like crime thriller, apocalyptic fiction,or something like fantasy. When I tend to think of any Nepali book from these gentes , I often fail and even if I succeed, a handful number of books are obtained. Which Fantasy or Crime thriller novel has been bestseller in recent times ? Any dystopian fiction ? What about horror ? 

As far as I know such books do exist, but never make it big and are often neglected.We read and praise fantasy works like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, we love crime thrillers by Agatha Christie and Dan Brown, we read dustopia like 1984. If we Nepalese readers read so much from foreign authors, is it wrong to expect work in such genres from our authors. If we read such literature in our second language, is it wring to expect the same in our mother tongue. ( may not be such classic and perfect works but entertaining and fruitful work nonetheless ) 

Before the time of Great literary figure like Guru Prasad Mainali ( who is considered to the father of Modern Nepali literature ) was not considered modern.Most creations dwelt mostly on Religious topics.And the use of Sanskrit was prevalent. But since those 80 or 90 years, modern Nepali literature has turned its way greatly and still the road for positive development should always be free. 

Are no Nepali authors capable of thinking a unique idea except for those which have been tried and tested ? We have been reading the same sort of literature for decades. Isn't this the time to introduce new genres.  And who is responsible for the change ? Author ? Publisher? Or the Reader ?

In my view, reader is responsible for the trend in the book industry. Whether one admits it or not , every author writes to sell his creations. So, naturally an author wants to write something people are interested in. If someone says that s/he writes for himself/herself, that's a plain lie. You write because you want to communicate your ideas, your thoughts among people. Your thoughts are already yours , do you need to write them and publish just for the sake of yourself  

The Publishing Houses are not there for philanthropy but for business. They publish material that SELLS. They are driven by the market.Occasionally a publisher may gamble on something new but at the end of the day, they will go on publishing the sort of books that SELLS. 

So, that means, readers, you and I , are the trend makers and trend breakers. You and I govern the way, what sort of books cone out in the market. And introducing and developing underdeveloped genres doesn't necessarily mean dropping all the others which are popular now. More the choices for the audience, the better is it for them and better is it for Nepali Literature as a whole, isn't it ? My rise doesn't mean your downfall. Can't you and I ? The tried and tested genres and newer ones coexist for the sake of betterment of Nepali literature as a whole ? 

I may be biased to think so, but if we readers turn up more and more for these things, they are bound to happen. And I really hope my dreams are fulfilled in near future. 

At last but not the least, I would like you to suggest me five Nepali novels from each of these 'underdeveloped' genres ;preferably popular. 
1. Fantasy
2. Horror and Paranormal
3. Dystopian 
4. Crime Thriller 
5. Adventure

  1. Only for fiction. And translated works not taken into account. 
  2. These are the views of the writer and may not be exactly based on facts.You are free to differ.