google-site-verification=cQpkTwSJdFW2HV86Pt3riZBu_VkkY0_Saul4PghAsaA Book Review - Rajinama by Bhairav Aryal

Rajinama by Bhairav Aryal

Name : Rajinama
Auhtor :Bhairav Aryal
Publisher : Manjari Publication 
First Published : 2071 BS
Pages : 152
Genre : Anthology of Articles, Non Fiction
Language : Nepali 
Compiler/Editor : Shiva Regmi

When I hear the name of 'Bhairav Aryal' , the first thing that comes to my mind is 'Hasyabyangya' or 'humorous literature'. His works like 'Jaya Bhudi' , 'Kaukuti' ,'Galbandi' are all so popular. And for good reason for Aryal certainly had mastered the art of conveying deep message and satire in such a humorous way that even the targeted one may laugh. Personally, Bhairav Aryal is my favorite and one of few authors of whom I've read almost every work. Reason, Bhairav has a class if his own when it comes to Satire in Nepalese literature. But this is not all Bhairav Aryal has given to the Nepalese literature. 

"Rajinama" by Bhairav Aryal is a collection of his articles compiled by Shiva Regmi. The short book of 152 pages also consists of a short autobiography of Bhairav Aryal. Unknown to many people Aryal was a poet and literary critique as well. In this anthology, he has analyzed various aspects of famous Nepali literary giants like Guru Prasad Mainali, Motiram Bhatta, even Devkota. And reading those critiques, you get a different level of respect for the man for his immense knowledge not just in contemporary Nepali literature but also of Hindi and English literature. The way Nepali litterateur are critically examined are simply mind blowing . 

But how can any of Bhairav's work be compete without a hearty laugh. So, some excellent satirical and humorous essays are included as well.Maybe not as great as the ones included in 'Jaya Bhudi' or 'Itishri' , they are certainly a good read. 

But contrary to other works, it doesn't make you only laugh but cry as well. It depicts how the man who made us laugh was suffering through desperation and depression. Reading those parts literally made me cry. 

The name of the book 'Rajinama' which literally means 'Resignation' comes from the last chapter of the book in which Aryal's resignation letter from his job in Gorkhapatra is shown.The letter is ,effectively , a suicide note written by a depressed person and will certainly bring you to tears. It brought me to tears at least. 


Writing : 4
Theme: 4
Cover : 3.5
Overall : 3.75/5


To all those who enjoy humor as well as to those who want to learn more about Nepali literature.The literary criticism of one great figure of our Nepali literature to the other is not to miss. 

To get free ebooks of various works by Bhairav Aryal. Click Here  
To listen audiobooks of Bhairav Aryal's essays. Click Here